Common Contract Mistake

Common Contract Mistake

Common Contract Mistake #1.  Not Having Written Agreements with EVERYONE You Do Business With. Common contract mistake. Without question, the most common contract mistake is not having the terms of an agreement memorialized in a written document. I am often taken...
Contract Mistakes

Contract Mistakes

Contract Mistakes Contract Mistakes. No Written Agreement.Probably the number one contract mistake people make is not having written agreements with everyone they do business with. I am always amazed by the reasons they give. Yet, regardless of how confident they...
Hiring a Ghostwriter

Hiring a Ghostwriter

Should you hire a ghostwriter? One of my blog followers sent me this question as a suggested blog topic:Question: “Can a ghostwriter display the material they created, as part of their resume and website portfolio? Answer: The short answer is “it depends”. But the...
Swipe Left on Terms of Service?

Swipe Left on Terms of Service?

You are probably starting to get numerous emails announcing changes to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy agreements for the year 2020. In the past month, I’ve received such emails from Twitter, Uber, YouTube, and LinkedIn to name a few. Most of the emails...
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